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Automotive Tools, Specials
Product Code: GAAI0702
Description: Panel Beating Kit 7pc Toptul
Brand: Toptul
Number pieces: 7
- Light Shrinking Hammer (Flat Face + Milled Square Face)(JFAB0233)
- Standard Bumping Hammer(JFAA0133)
- Pick & Finishing Hammer(Crowned Face) (JFAC0333)
- Curved Dolly (JFBI0113)
- Toe Dolly (JFBG0112)
- Heel Dolly (JFBJ0108)
- Utility Dolly (JFBH0107)
Professional quality meets industrial standards
Drop forged tool steel dollies, heat treated, includes Utility Dolly, Curved Dolly, Heel Dolly and Toe Dolly
Drop forged tool Steel hammers, selected hickory, includes Pick & Finishing Hammer, Shrinking Hammer and Standard Bumping Hammer
Easy Latch case holds all tools securely in place and provides excellent tool protection