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Oils & Lubricants
Product Code: 3331
Description: CRC 284gm Engine Assembly Lube
Number Pieces: 1
Brand: CRC
Base: Lithium
Colour: Black
NLGI No: Grade 0-1/2
Drop Point: 360 degrees Fahrenheit
Water resistance: Excellent
Provides excellent protection from scoring, galling and seizing during installation and assembly of parts as well as the critical 5 to 10 second period of initial engine start-up and break-in.
Protects against metal corrosion in storage.
Dissolves in lubricating oil during engine operation.
Recommended for engine, transmission and differential assembly. Use on camshaft bearings and lobes, crankshafts, engine bearings, gears, lifters, push rods, valve stems and all areas of rotational or sliding metal to metal contact.